Monday, August 30, 2010


Thanks to Sedra, Kevin, Mistress Simone, Mia, Lucas, and Tina for all the comments. I appreciate them very much. :)


  1. aww we 'appreciate' you too Izzy(hur hur hur:P)

    Seriously though<3

    Also, mmm research

  2. Moral of the story: always drink the tg juice and never look back.

    Very fun read Isobelle.

  3. Looks pretty damn sexy to me as is. Great story, but is it just me or would others have a problem with this? I mean if I was turned into a girl, I might be tramping all over town, but I damn sure wouldn't be screwing my best friend. Nor would I take him on if he was turned into a girl--even THAT girl.
