Thursday, September 16, 2010

New Panties in a Bunch

I'd be mad too. lol

Thanks to Kevin, Tina, Lucas, Sedra, and Mia for the comments. :)


  1. I really enjoyed this. Another excellent story, as usual. I'd be grateful for two days; but I'm with you hunni it just would not be enough at all! xo xo

  2. I like the green text on the bottom. He understands how things should be now. Quite nice.

  3. 2 year? 2 YEAR?! I said 200 years you hearing impaired warlock!

    At least, that is what I would say.

  4. Love the bitchy attitude. So demanding and only a new girl for a few minutes.

  5. Why do I have the feeling two years just became twenty...not that after two years of having the bitchy attitude fucked outta her by said warlock will make it sound too bad...<.<
