Saturday, May 2, 2009

Spring Break

This one turned out to be a little long but I think it will be okay. It was a nice day out today and spring break seemed like a good subject. Thanks to Jennifer and Tammi for the comments on my last two caps.


  1. Length is definitely not an issue with your wonderful captions Isobelle, i'd read them even if they where three times as long! You always write the hottest captions dear, they've definitely reached out and touched me in just the right way. ;)

  2. while i am a lesbian and all. If i could be a girl this would totally work for me :)

  3. i have alwaya wanted a sister to share beign a girl with and then also both of us finally becoming grils and getting pregant togehter now that would be fantastic! then we would both be girls permanetly as we really should be i want to be a girl and to have sister who can sahare being a girl with me!
