Tuesday, February 16, 2010

First Time Out

Thanks to Alexia, realfield, and of course Tina. :) Also thanks to any others who have commented on previous captions that I did not get a chance to thank. MaryJane and babelkot particularly. I did see your comments and I thank you for them. :)


  1. She is unsure, yet deep down she loves what has happened to her. Love that type of caption myself.

  2. so appropriate she's going to wear white. Sexy, sexy, sexy.

  3. yes oh yes mom now i am a girl at last just like you are and and now i ahve to put on this bra and get into girls cloths at last i love this so much already being in this new curvy body with breast and a vigina i am a girl at last and i ma so ready to be your daugther and why not being a girl is oh so wonderful and i now feel so very delisuous being in this fenmale body i can hradly wait to experience it completly being a girl!
